breakaway sales recruiting

We Take the Guesswork Out of Hiring the Right Sales Candidate.

At Breakaway, we do one thing and do it well, we place sales candidates that deliver revenue results.

Breakaway Sales Recruiting breakaway sales recruiting

We have the sales leadership experience to know what type of salesperson you need for your team, so you don’t have to. Your Outsourced VP of Sales will work with you and the Breakaway recruiter to guide you in determining what type of individual will benefit your organization and find the right fit for the role. We take the stress out of talent searches.

We guarantee you will make a hire, and we back that up with a 90-day guarantee. So, if for whatever reason they are not with your organization in 90 days, we will replace the candidate for free.

Your Outsourced VP of Sales and one of our seasoned talent managers are ready to help you find a that perfect candidate to grow and increase profits for your organization.

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